The Puptrip

So sorry to end it there :^{
This comic ended production in mid 2019. It’s 63 pages long.
I made The Puptrip to explore the feelings I was experiencing as I began leaving school and going into the world. I mostly wanted to explore anxieties around drug use, meeting strangers, losing some parental connections, and going down the wrong path. This story meant a lot to me when I was working on it. My favorite characters in it are Dan and Amaranth – no question!
While I won’t be returning to this comic, it stays as a reminder of one of my more ambitious stories. I came up with lots of it very quickly, but I’m proud of the art, satisfied with the dialogue, and I have memories of creating all these pages that’ll last a long time. I hope you enjoyed your read of it as well!

This comic was posted in Uncategorized.